Portland Glamor Photos: Christa-Taylor Photography

Portland glamor photos aren't about boas and blurry butterfly backgrounds. It's about having the guts to exist in photos for your children. How many moms out there ever get photographed? How many are actually in front of the camera vs behind it? As a family, we've often spent many holidays looking through old photos albums and laughing over all the memories. But every time I flip through those pages I am struck by how few photos of my mom are in their pages. A combination of self-consciousness and busy-ness elsewhere always have us kids as center stage.

I for one, want my husband and kids to remember me as I feel now. And maybe I don't feel 100% gorgeous all the time and wish I could drop that extra few pounds- but those excuses can't keep us from capturing the life we live right now. Besides, when you have a really good photographer, you're going to look amazing no matter what size you are. Trust me ;)

Thank you Chelsie for getting out there and having a shoot just for you! Your little ones will look back and thank you.

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